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District Oversight

The Stonegate North Villages Metropolitan District is a governmental entity, which falls under the Colorado Department of Local Affairs Division of Local Government and is separate and distinct from Stonegate Village Metropolitan District and the HOA, the Stonegate Owner’s Association. Stonegate North Villages is also a member of the Special District Association of Colorado.

As a special metropolitan district, services are maintained and operated by funds received either through property tax or fees. The district manages and oversees the 24-hour operations across the district.

Some of the district’s oversight responsibilities and current projects include:

  • Business expansion within the district
  • Community development and planning
  • Community signage
  • District-owned fence repair and replacement
  • Gazebo and BBQ area maintenance
  • Master planning and landscape oversight
  • Mowing and watering of district greenbelts and grasses
  • Park improvement projects and open spaces
  • Snow removal operations of District open space and adjoining right-of-way sidewalks
  • Spring tree trimming and tree and shrub replacement, as needed
  • Swimming pool facility management and upgrades
  • Tennis court maintenance and upgrades
  • Walkway maintenance and upgrades

The Board of Directors has Community Advisory Committees that allow residents to be involved in discussing and reviewing plans for the community. There are currently resident committees for both landscaping and a planned pool expansion project. Those interested in being on a Community Advisory Committee should attend a regularly scheduled monthly meeting or email